Today at St Albans Cathedral we celebrate World Day of Prayer.

The ecumenical and interfaith ministry of this holy place is a vital and important part of our life. Every Friday at midday there is a Roman Catholic Mass at the Cathedral and every month there are Lutheran, Orthodox and Free Church services. This pattern of services and united prayer and ministry has been happening here at the Cathedral for over 40 years.

Today we pray for the unity of people of faith throughout the world. On this World Day of Prayer we are also invited to pray for the women of Palestine. We pray for them and all this day living in the midst of conflict and war and for God’s peace to reign. All are welcome here, people of all faiths and none, as a place of prayer and peace. 

 Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean

A prayer from The Dean

God of Peace, on this world day of prayer we pray that across the world there would be equality, freedom of religion, freedom of movement and freedom of expression. Teach us as fellow human beings, and as people of faith, to value, care for and respect one another. In the name of Christ, the Prince of Peace, we pray. Amen.